All those weeks/months/years you're in your little bubble writing that story that's shouting at you that you have to tell it, that's fine, because ABSOLUTELY NO-ONE READS IT. As every writer knows, you have the perfect excuse because if you tell someone too early, the magic goes. And for as long as no-one reads it, because it's all in your head, you can keep on going, until one day - that you always thought was in the far-flung distant future - comes that amazing moment that YOU FINISH IT.
Writing's full of great feelings and moments of utter despair. Finishing your book is a truly great feeling - but only for a short while - because then something else happens, something you don't really think about while you're writing it and it's scary. It's when OTHER PEOPLE READ IT- other people like AGENTS, be it the first page, first three chapters, or even, dare I say it, the whole shebang. That's why you wrote it, after all, to be read, isn't it? But it's terrifying and nerve-racking and exciting and you wait, everything crossed, breath held, praying one of them loves it...
Only just maybe, they don't love it. In my case, five agents who requested the full MS, didn't love it enough. FIVE. So the cover letter, the first three chapters, the synopsis, were good enough. The rest obviously wasn't.
So what now? Scrap it? (No, No, NO) Kill some darlings and rewrite it??? In my case, I took on board the feedback that one lovely lady gave me. Did some more work. And then, did I start submitting all over again...
Self publish, like Very Inspiring Author Jon Rance - This Thirtysomething Life. This is his story here, on the brilliant Novelicious website:
Congratulations to him... I have read this post a dozen times because I want it to happen to me.